The World’s Most Sustainable Pods

We make the world’s most sustainable and responsible pods.

Sustainability has been a priority for us since we designed the world’s first soundproof office pods. As our products continued to develop, we stayed focused on making responsible decisions.

We invite you to take a closer look into all of the wonderful initiatives we do around sustainability. Also read our 2022 Sustainability Report to learn more about Framery’s actions towards sustainability.

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Designa ditt bås

Designa ditt eget bås, välj mellan olika färger och funktioner. -Blev du nöjd!? Hör av dig så skickar vi dig en offert.

Framery location shoot

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Här kan du be om en offert. Skriv bara ett par rader till oss.

Framery Subscribed

Framerys flexibla ljudisolerade mötesrum och telefonbås blir nu ännu mer flexibla genom möjligheten till en fast månadsavgift.