7 Ways to Have a Restful Summer Break

Summer break is a time to unwind, relax, and recharge. Here are 7 ways to de-stress and make the most of your summer break.

Time away from work is critical to an employee’s well-being and promotes a healthy work-life balance. Studies show that people who time off of work for a vacation – or just to just reset – are likely to be more productive, motivated and engaged at work when they return.

Extended breaks from work are essential for our physical and mental health. It helps us to recharge our batteries, reduce stress levels, and improve our overall well-being. Summer holidays are a great opportunity to rest, prioritize your well-being, and reset.

7 Ways to Have a Restful Summer Break

Summer break is a time to unwind, relax, and recharge. It’s an opportunity to take a break from the daily grind and focus on our physical and mental well-being. However, it’s not always easy to switch off and enjoy our time off. 

Here are some different ways to de-stress and make the most of your summer break.

1 | Prioritize Tasks Before You Leave 

Be realistic about what you can accomplish before you go. Trying to get everything done before leaving can cause unneeded stress, and make it harder to relax when your vacation starts.  Most psychologists recommend to prioritize what truly needs to be done before you leave – and what can wait. Communicate with and trust your substitutes to help in case you run out of time or forget to do something.

2 | Define Your Own Successful Break

Clarifying what makes a successful vacation is essential to ensure you make the most of your time off. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, exploring new places, trying new activities, or just laying in the sun. Sometimes not doing anything is what’s needed most. So make sure you understand what’s important to you and plan accordingly.

3 | Disconnect from Work-Related Communication and Devices

Email, chats, and calendars are crucial for work – but they can ruin your time off. Trust that your team will handle any issues that arise and resist the urge to check your work email or messages. This will help you to switch off and enjoy your time off without worrying about work-related issues.

4 | Unplug For a Day or Two

Take a day or two to completely unplug from technology. The continuous ringing from our phones and social media can disrupt our ability to concentrate and fatigues our brain. Shutting down your devices and letting your mind rest can help you to recharge and feel refreshed.

5 | Don’t Pressure Yourself

Really take the time to relax and unwind. Don’t put pressure on yourself to check things off of your list during your time off. If you want to use the time to be productive and check things off of your to-do list, do so, but make sure that you don’t let it overwhelm you. 

6 | Allow Yourself to Rest

It’s not always easy to switch off and enjoy your summer break. There are sometimes feelings of guilt associated with taking time off. Try to reframe your mindset and view your time off as an investment in your health and well-being. Taking a break enables your success, and allows you to be a rested and fully-functional asset to your team.

7 | Ease Back Into Things

When you get back into the office, treat yourself with compassion. It might take a day or two to get back into your routine, so don’t kick yourself if you take some time to get your productivity back. The goal of your vacation is to return to the office rested – so be kind to yourself as you transition back into work mode.

Enjoy Your Summer Break

Taking a break during summer is essential for our physical and mental well-being. By clarifying your work situation before the holiday, taking a break from work-related thoughts, and defining what makes a successful vacation, you can make the most of your summer break. 

So go ahead and enjoy your summer break to the fullest!